What happens if you quit smoking and how does the body react?

The decision to quit smoking is stressful for a person. Everything that happens to the body after quitting smoking is manifested by severe symptoms of all internal organs. Such changes can scare anyone. The first days without nicotine are particularly difficult, when an abstinence syndrome develops in response to the absence of the usual dopant.

A smoker's diary can help patients cope with the situation, in which the addict himself describes in detail everything that happens to him in the dynamics, understanding the causes and effects.

cigarette butts and body changes when quitting smoking

Advantages and disadvantages of quitting smoking

Nature is so wise that it gave a person the opportunity for compensatory recovery from illnesses, injuries, stresses. Everyone's regenerative potential is very high. Therefore, quitting smoking should be sure that, alone or with the help of specialists, he can get rid of a bad habit, regardless of the duration of his addiction to tobacco smoke and the severity of organ damageinternal. The important thing is to want to do it.

Good points

Complete rejection of tobacco significantly reduces the risk of many diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, asthma, pneumonia, destructive pathologies of the bronchi. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, diabetic foot will recede. Cholesterol levels are normalized, with it the development of atherosclerosis of large arteries that supply the brain and heart, kidneys and liver will slow down.

This will help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Tobacco smoke is a powerful intoxicant. The purification of organs and tissues from its metabolites will allow the body to start the process of self-healing. Clean blood flow will fill the cells with nutrients and oxygen, which will relieve headaches, fatigue, irritability and balance blood pressure. Since there are about 90 carcinogens in cigarettes, blocking and eliminating them will become cancer prevention.

Amazingly, such changes will begin within the first few hours without nicotine. His trace of reaction will still be present for some time, but for someone in a week, for someone in a month, it will disappear without a trace. More difficult with the psychological attachment to the pleasure of nightshade poison.

Stress needs to be managed consistently and wisely. You can not neglect anti-smoking drugs, you need to organize rest, interesting hobbies. Sometimes it's good to put your feelings on paper.

It's so nice to know that you have "won" a trip or a trip to the theater by giving up buying tobacco products. Savings can be very useful.

Unpleasant details

It should be understood that it is very difficult to part with nightshade alkaloid because of the following points:

  • Pyridine poison increases the emotional background, which, in turn, helps to focus in difficult situations.
  • The hormone of joy produced in response to the intake of nicotine relieves stress, helps to survive bereavement.
  • Nightshade alkaloid creates the illusion of peace, gives self-confidence, causes moral satisfaction.

Such positive effects are hard to forget, even harder to part with.

Acetylcholine receptors, accustomed to the poison of tobacco, require its presence. In protest, they trigger the withdrawal syndrome. If at the beginning of smoking the pleasure of a cigarette lasted a couple of hours, then over time such an emotional surge lasts half an hour. So you need to increase the amount of doping.

Otherwise, the feeling of discomfort will significantly exceed the euphoria in strength and sharpness.

A clean parting with a cigarette makes the discomfort unbearable. It's a real break. It is necessary to somehow compensate for the deficiency of nicotinic acid, a metabolite of tobacco poison, otherwise it is impossible to cope with irritability, which turns into aggressiveness.

Also there are :

  • Loss of attention.
  • Craving for tobacco products.
  • An intense feeling of hunger.
  • Inability to sleep.
  • Hyperhidrosis.

Only a specialist can help stop the withdrawal syndrome.

The body's reaction to the gradual and abrupt cessation of tobacco products

Every person is different, and so is their decision to quit smoking. Some prefer right away, others need time. The body reacts differently to the method chosen to quit smoking.

If we are talking about a chronic nightshade alkaloid user, then saying goodbye to nicotine will not work quickly, it will be a slow and painful process. A novice tobacco lover has a chance to simply stop communicating with cigarettes, his self-healing system will work out.

However, most often the reaction to the absence of usual doping is manifested by a withdrawal syndrome or weaning.

In fact, it is a restructuring of the whole organism, accompanied by:

  • Strong craving for tobacco.
  • Unreasonable nervousness.
  • Conditions close to fainting.
  • The Depression.
  • Loss of strength.
  • Minor atmosphere.
  • Anxiety with the development of phobias.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Rashes.
  • Aphthous lesions of the oral mucosa.
  • Constant discomfort in the upper respiratory tract: shortness of breath, cough, sweating, rhinorrhea, tearing.
  • Disorder of the digestive system which can go as far as colic.

Each of these symptoms can appear individually or as part of several disorders at once. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.

Sometimes there is no abstinence.

The stages of cleaning

The process of releasing nicotine metabolites is complex, but begins within minutes of quitting smoking, going through a series of stages.

Failure time Changes in the body
A half hour Tachycardia passes, blood pressure begins to normalize, the kidneys work more intensively, preparing to eliminate toxins.
A few hours The kidneys remove toxic metabolites of pyridine from the blood.
half day The blood is saturated with oxygen, carbon monoxide is removed from the lungs. The kidneys continue to eliminate the nicotine and a withdrawal symptom develops.
Day The nightshade alkaloid is completely eliminated, there is no replacement and abstinence occurs.
In a few days The lungs begin to eliminate the tar and toxins from the cigarette. A cough appears - a natural reaction to accumulated soot.
The third day Lung cleansing continues. A strong feeling of hunger develops, since the poison of tobacco has ceased to block the satiety center of the brain, and it is restored, causing a person's appetite. In addition, blood pressure has returned to normal, which causes, due to the saturation of neurons with oxygen and blood flow to the brain, tinnitus.
Fourth day Traffic is back to normal. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract regenerates, the pancreas begins to function normally. Sticky sputum comes out.
Fifth day Intense wet cough with sooty rusty sputum continues, the taste is restored.
Sixth day An excruciating cough and irritation due to the lack of nicotine. There is a desire to return to cigarettes.
One week Metabolites and toxins are eliminated. Organs and tissues have partially recovered or are beginning to do so. The liver again synthesizes endogenous nicotine, the physiological need for it is satisfied. The exhausting cough persists.
eighth day Taste and olfactory receptors are also restored, food acquires meaning, becomes tasty. A person eats a lot and gets better. The vessels are not yet stable, the jumps in blood pressure are worrying. The nervousness gradually disappears.
Ninth day The stomach restored the secretion. The intestines are in the process of this, pains appear in the lower abdomen, problems with bowel movements. At this time, aphthous stomatitis, herpes, acute respiratory infections may develop.
Ten days The cough continues. Immunity begins to recover. The emotional state is difficult. Need help and support from your loved ones.
11-14 days Vascular tone is restored, blood flow is normal, due to active oxygen saturation, dizziness and tremor of the hands occur. The lungs are cleansed. There are sleep problems.
Second half of the month The mucous membranes of the bronchi regenerate, the cough subsides, the immune system works at full speed, the skin acquires a normal shade, the pressure is normal, there is no dyspepsia. Many people decide that it's all over and you can try a cigarette. If this happens, it all goes back to the early days of withdrawal.
the next three months From the second month, the work of the body is leveled. The systems work in harmony. Toxins are eliminated in all natural ways. Hair, skin, nails become much better. The lungs continue to recover. Metabolism and blood pressure normalize, weight stabilizes. But abstinence is still felt.
half a year The hematopoietic system was completely restored. The cough stops. Sleep is normal. The liver has been regenerated. To accelerate the cleaning of the lungs, physical exercises are linked.
ten months This is a milestone where a breakdown is possible because: smokers begin to dream of cigarettes, in the morning there is a strong urge to sip a tobacco product, sleep is disturbed. There is therefore a restructuring of brain activity without nicotine. Here the ligaments are restored, the voice acquires its usual timbre. Teeth whiten, bad breath disappears.
Year Almost all organs and tissues are updated. The lungs may still be recovering. Potency is excellent, reproductive function is normal. Almost no cravings. The "tobacco diseases" disappear.
Two years The lungs have recovered. The brain eats well. The body is so pure that accidentally smoking a cigarette will be perceived as being smoked for the first time. You can plan a pregnancy.
Five years The risk of stroke is compared to that of non-smokers.
Decade The likelihood of developing lung cancer is the same as that of those who have never had a cigarette in their mouth.
Fifteen The risk of heart attack is compared to that of non-smokers.

Many changes in the body are not subject to restoration and over time become triggers for cellular malignancy.

These include:

  • Destruction of the alveoli of the lungs, unable to get rid of resins and carcinogens.
  • A long-lasting, non-regenerative burn of the oral mucosa, which may develop into hyperplasia and cancer of the lip.
  • Toxic lesion of the oropharynx resulting in cancer of the larynx, throat.

Warning: what not to do?

It is not recommended in the first three months to part with a bad habit:

  • Take drugs without vital necessity.
  • Stop smoking during menstruation - real weight gain is guaranteed.
  • Leave the scheme unchanged. The body needs vitamins and minerals.

Calendar to quit smoking

To help everyone who decides to get rid of nicotine captivity, psychologists recommend keeping a proper diary of their feelings, emotions, thoughts.

The structure of these records consists of several sections:

  • The first is devoted to the changes that occur in the body on a daily basis. It describes in detail the symptoms of disappearance of tobacco intoxication linked to each system: nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, pulmonary, endocrine, reproductive, genito-urinary. In addition, the emergence of new symptoms, both negative and positive in the dynamics, is noted.
  • The second is for emotions, thoughts. Here, an analysis is carried out at the sensory level of everything that happens to the patient, self-hypnosis, self-control are used.
  • The third section is physiology. What attracts the patient, what you want to eat, where it hurts, what kind of sleep, what the skin looks like, the degree of shortness of breath and the severity of the cough. Everything that worries at the level of physiological transformation.
  • The fourth section concerns doctors' recommendations and their implementation.
  • Fifth - traditional medicine recipes and their use.
  • The sixth is the physical exercises, what works, what does not work, the result.
  • The seventh section is help from relatives. Their advice, their requests. Planning strategy and behavior tactics for the future.

Many of those who have separated from a harmful addiction point out the usefulness and the need for such a journal.

How to speed up cleaning?

Although the body is a self-regulating system, there are ways to speed up the recovery process after nicotine poisoning:

  • Sport. Movement is life, which is why measured physical activity is shown to smokers from the first day they kick a bad habit. Running, for example, will strengthen the contractions of the diaphragm, stimulate lymphatic flow, that is, it will help to eliminate poisons from the body. The cardiac load will also affect the blood. Breathing exercises will saturate the lungs with oxygen and help cleanse them of resins, carcinogens and toxins. I feel much better.
  • Cleansing drugs. Ascorbic acid, B vitamins, folic acid compensate for the lack of trace elements and biologically active substances necessary for normal metabolic processes. Help them in this: chromium, zinc, nickel, selenium, manganese. Amino acids will support the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Vitamin A will act as an immunostimulant.
  • Foodstuffs. Cranberries, ginger, spinach are natural stimulants of hematopoiesis and recovering blood supply to the lungs.

Here are many aids that can ease the difficult process of saying goodbye to nicotine, restoring health and prolonging life.